"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace"
(Acts 20:24).

Some people impact your life more than others. Dr. Calenberg, one of my professors when I attended Moody Grad School, is one of them. Dr. C, as he was fondly known, has a contagious passion to know the Lord and make Him known God through sharing the gospel—the good news of Jesus Christ—especially through missions. Before returning to Moody Grad School with his family, Dr. C served on the faculty of the Jos ECWA (Evangelical Church of West Africa) Theological Seminary (JETS) in Jos, Nigeria from 1984-91. While ministering at JETS, he was involved in outreach with students and started a basketball evangelistic ministry.
During my time at Moody, I always came away challenged and my heart encouraged through the time in the Word with Dr. C. The first semester he instructed and challenged me in the importance of making sure I knew how to rightly divide God’s word (2 Timothy 2:15) through the art and science of biblical interpretation, also known hermeneutics. The “Church and Mission” class and a semester long book study of Daniel and Revelation quickened my heart to see God’s work accomplished through His church and the fulfillment Scripture when Christ will reign for eternity (Revelation 22:7-21).
Earlier this year I had the opportunity to see and hear Dr. Calenberg preach as he was in town for a mission’s conference in Wheaton, IL. The theme of the conference was 360/365. Be an intentional, global (360) Christian with the gospel every day (365)! I have heard it said for the follower of Jesus Christ in regards to missions, “You are either sending (financial/prayer support), going, or you are disobedient.” (See Matthew 28:18-20) Dr. C preached that “God has call on every moment and on every area of our lives.” This is not just for missionaries. It is for all followers of Jesus Christ. All of us should be involved proclaiming the Gospel where He has placed us!
"By Prayer". Dr. C reminded us on the importance of prayer in ministering the Gospel. God accomplishes great things through prayer through those who are completely dependent on Him for the work that He will do. "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples" (John 15:7-8).
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