Last Friday, July 25, 47 year old Dr. Randy Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon Professor and author of the current NY Times Best Seller, The Last Lecture, died of pancreatic cancer. After being diagnosed with cancer in September 2006, Dr. Pausch maximized his time and lived it to the fullest.
As of writing this post millions of people have viewed his last lecture on YouTube, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams", that he gave in the fall of 2007. The purpose for doing the lecture was to leave something for his young children to remember him by and to know the values in life he lived and pursued.
Pausch liked to have fun in whatever he did. He liked to dream and pursue those dreams. He achieved almost every dream he had except for playing professional football in the NFL. He was committed to his family. He valiantly pursued maximizing the life God gave him to live until his last breath. He has impacted millions of lives by the way he handled a terminal illness. This is an encouragement to me. But it seems there was one thing missing in Dr. Randy Pausch's life--eternal hope of Heaven!
My heart goes out to Randy Pausch and his family. From what I read in his book and viewing the Last Lecture video on YouTube, I do not know if he knew Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord? Where is his eternal hope? Maybe before he died God saved Randy from his sins? Only the Lord knows.
For the believer in Jesus Christ there is Eternal Hope.
Grateful for Eternal Hope in Jesus Christ!
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